Wednesday, July 21, 2010


While my first post what straight forward...I'll be honest and say that this one is too...

My fiance told me the other day that he was proud of me for not being Bridezilla...little did he know that those words opened a flood gate. I must admit that I am proud of myself for not demanding outlandish things of my family and bridesmaids. I have read some articles recently about brides who have demanded their bridesmaids to do the following:

  • Pay to stay in a hotel room two nights before the wedding even though they all live in town and could stay at home.

  • Pay for their meal and drinks and the Rehearsal Dinner

  • Spend $400 on their dress and then an additonal $150 on alterations even though they could go to a different seamstress and pay half

  • Get breast implants ( I dont think my BM's are lacking in cleavage)

  • Loose or gain weight

  • Get a tummy-tuck

  • Buy hair extensions

  • Get Botox

** Might I add that ALL of these things were at the Bridesmaids own expense

All of these things honestly sound ridiculous and why on earth would you ask these things of those that you love. My view is that people are not asked to be in your wedding for their appearance, they are in your wedding because they have something to add. Each of the girls in my wedding has a special place in my heart and they each of contributed something meaningful to my life. Everyday I wish I could do more for them, but I try my best and I will leave it at that. Although I might not be Bridezilla to them, the poor Mr. has another thing coming to him! The poor guy can't even stand up right without getting yelled at. My father told me that I would most likely call of the wedding three times before I actually walked down the aisle. As of today we are at two. The first time was because of him not actively participating in the wedding process (even thought I would have micro-managed his every move) and the second time was over where to put the Kapoosh. Yes, the thing that holds the knives. For those of you who dont know what it is go ahead and google it and laugh at my cook a doddle do (thanks Bethenny) self. Thank goodness the man loves me because I can see how the engagement period would be a weeding process. Honestly, I wonder if it's my fault though. Half of the time I dont realize that I'm crazy or even fighting for that matter. My brain is on auto pilot, or wedding pilot, and I can't think two steps ahead to save my life! Every day truly consists of ordering things, planning, browsing and etsy. I'm sure some of you want to tell me to relax (if anyone is reading) and take a Xanax, but when the best day of your life is quickly approaching that you've dreamed of since your were five it is:

a. Hard to relax AND
b. The side effects of Xanax would probably slow me down

As crazy as it is this post starts with the Mr. and ends with him. As much as I wouldn't blame him for taking a hike, he is the one that pulls me through. He gives me love, hope, and the guidance that I need to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Oh how I cant wait for our wedding so I can enjoy all of this hard work and spend the rest of my life with my amazing man. In the words of the Little Engine That Could....." I think I can, I think I can" Thank you Trevor... I love you :)

Life as I Know it... For NOW

It is Tuesday July 20, 2010 and I have realized for the first time that my life will never be the same. The day started and I planned to ignore my bridal duties (ya right!) and for once enjoy a day off ( I have NOT had the luxury of one since wedding planning has begun). I wasn't going to worry about music, flowers, or what the hell I am going to serve at the bar. The plan was to relax by the pool with my bridesmaids and enjoy the finer things in life.... Like a book, magazine, gossip, or just enjoying the UV Rays. I called my fiance to have him check the mailbox and bring the mail to me. I have to admit that everytime I see an ivory pearlescent envelope in my mailbox I get excited. Now, the next comment might sound harsh but its the truth. Everytime I open an envelope I ask myself "Will this be a yes or a no?" How sad is it when you wish for a no. Those of you reading this... I WANT YOU THERE!!! Unfortunately, my mother has racked up my guest list way past the point of saving and I cant help but hope for a couple of no's. Dont get me wrong I want my friends and family (along with Trevor's) there more than anything but it is honestly stressful planning a party for 300. I am rambling now so back to my day off...
I asked my fiance to bring me my mail and sure enough he joins me and the girls at the pool. This turns into his best friend with the girls at the pool. As much as I love his company, and looking at jaw dropping body (which reminds me that I should really tone up my arms for the wedding) I finally realized that my life will never be the same. In 6 weeks I will be the married, homebody, crazy cat lady. I have never understood why people say things change when you get married, but as September 4th quickly approaches i am realizing now how things do. I'm honestly excited to spend the rest of my life with the Mr., but at the same time it is weird to realize that my life as a single woman will soon be gone. I will soon have wifely dutues and somebody else that becomes apart of my everyday life, besides Izzy and Kona. I will soon wear an apron adorning "Domestic Diva", cook dinner, do the laundry, and greet my husband at the door with an adorned lipstick smile. This all makes since considering they say that brides wear white so they blend in with the kitchen! Who am I kidding though, thats not me! Trevor loves to cook, clean the house, and when I do get home at 11 all I want to do is lay on the couch and watch Real Housewives of whatever city. I am way past the point of a smile at this point, and lipstick is out of the question! Once again RAMBLING
SOOOO, like I said, today is the day that I realized my life will never be the same. I must accept the fact that from this point on I will always be a part of a whole and whatever that entails. I am excited for every part that my future holds being the new Mrs. davis, but it is hard to let the Miss Parichan go. And NO, I will NOT be Parichan-Davis (just in case you are reading mom)! I know that nobody is telling me that I have to change, but I cant ignore the fact that change is coming. In 6 weeks I will be a Mrs. and with that I will have to explain every shopping spree and late night to somebody else. I guess I need to hold on to the fact that I am marrying the man of my dreams and I am fortunate to have the support of my family and friends. All in all I am excited for what the future holds but I can't help but be scared of loosing my past. I don't want to be the forgotten friend or the person who always has a plus one, even when its a girls night out! So here I go..... I have 45 days until I become a Mrs. My life is the most chaotic and stressful it has ever been and half the time I can barely remember how to walk at times. I have so much to do and it feels like no time to do it in. I don't write for pity, because I honestly never pity myself. I am marrying the man of my dreams and I am truly fortunate for that. Hopefully when we are old and wrinkly, the Mr. and I can read these posts and laugh at how much of a lunatic I am! This is honestly the greatest and yet most stressful time in my life. everyday I wake up greatful for what I have but then I wonder how in the world I will get it all done.